Office Image Extraction Wizard is a small but useful application that allows you to extract images from Microsot Office documents and other document formats. The list of supported formats includes Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, NeoOffice, Apple iWorks, Electronic Publication Books, and Comic Book Archive.
To operate the program, you need to follow two simple steps. First, you select the document by browsing your computer or dragging the file from Windows explorer directly in the program's window. Then, you browse for a folder to save the extracted images. There is also an option to automatically create a folder instead of browsing it. Then the wizard collects information from the document and, finally, you press the start button to begin the extracting process. After this the program will show the number of extracted images and the link to open the destination folder. The extracted images will have the jpeg format.
The only disadvantage I found is that the program doesn't support the batch mode to extract images from more than one document at the same time.
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